标题: 《Snow Crash l》作者:- Stephenson_ Nea【EPUB】 [打印本页]

作者: zaq    时间: 2013-9-17 07:44
标题: 《Snow Crash l》作者:- Stephenson_ Nea【EPUB】
Snow Crash Snow Crash Snow Crash Snow Crash By Stephenson Neal snow n… 2.a. Anything resembling snow. b. The white specks on a television screen resulting from weak reception. crash v… -infr.. . . 5 To fail suddenly as a business or an economy. -The American Heritage Dictionary virus.. . . L. virus slimy liquid poison offensive odour or taste. 1. Venom such as is emitted by a poisonous animal. 2. Path. a. A morbidprinciple or poisonous substance produced in the body as the result of some disease esp. one capable of being introduced into other personsor animals by inoculations or otherwise and of developing the same disease in them.. . . 3. fig. A moral or intellectual poison or poisonousinfluence. -The Oxford English DictionarySnow Crash Chapter 1 The Deliverator belongs to an elite order a hallowed subcategory. He’s got esprit up to here. Right now he is preparing to carry out his thirdmission of the night. His uniform is black as activated charcoal filtering the very light out of the air. A bullet will bounce off its arachnofiber weave likea wren hitting a patio door but excess perspiration wafts through it like a breeze through a freshly napalmed forest. Where his body has bonyextremities the suit has sintered armorgel: feels like gritty jello protects like a stack of telephone books. When they gave him the job they gave him a gun. The Deliverator never deals in cash but someone might come after him anyway — might wanthis car or his cargo. The gun is tiny acm-styled lightweight the kind of gun a fashion designer would carry it fires teensy darts that fly at five timesthe velocity of an SR-71 spy plane and when you get done using it you have to plug it into the cigarette lighter because it runs on electricity. The Deliverator never pulled that gun in anger or in fear. He pulled it once in Gila Highlands. Some punks in Gila Highlands a fancy Burbclavewanted themselves a delivery and they didn’t want to pay for it. Thought they would

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