标题: 《Beauty and the Beast 》作者:- Robert F. Young【EPUB】 [打印本页]

作者: zaq    时间: 2013-3-30 14:34
标题: 《Beauty and the Beast 》作者:- Robert F. Young【EPUB】
Sketch was a very unusual person even for a native of Procyon IV whobelieved that life and beauty among other things depended on your point of view. Just ask Miss Brown ... BEAUTY and the BEAST By Robert F. Young Illustrated by Ed Emsh AS SHIPS secretary Miss Brown could not accompany the expedition on its daily explorationflights in the dingey so every afternoon she brought her collapsible typing desk outside and set it up in theshadow of the ship. Her graceful fingers would dance alphabetic rigadoons in the summer wind andsometimes when the day was particularly warm and the sky was unusually blue even for Procyon 31 IVher eyes would steal away from the monotonous reports and the staid official forms and go AWOL overthe lifeless lazy hills that rose beyond the plain. They were lovely afternoons and yet they were lonely too in a way. But Miss Brown wasacquainted with Loneliness. She had met Loneliness at her Senior Prom. She had been sitting by the walland Loneliness had come over and sat beside her. Loneliness couldnt dance of course and so the two ofthem sat there all evening listening to the music and analyzing the quality of happiness. Happiness in ananalytical form turned out to be as elusive as happiness in any other kind of form and when the lastdance was almost over Miss Brown got up unobtrusively and left by way of the French doors. Lonelinessfollowed her all the way to the dormitory but she didnt look back. Not once. It was a June night andthere was a moon and the scent of summer flowers ... The wind had a way of swirling around the ship when she least expected it to and Miss Brown spentpart of each afternoon chasing absconding reports and runaway official forms. She always promisedherself that the next afternoon she would bring the heaviest paperweight

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