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[英文] 《DMV 》作者:- Richard Kadrey 【EPUB】


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发表于 2013-4-11 20:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
DMV by Richard Kadrey Story Copyright C 2008 Richard Kadrey. Images Copyright C 2008 Rudy Rucker. 900 Words.Allegra waits in the line at the DMV the Department of Meta-Virtuals. Technically Allegra isn’t in line.Technically Allegra doesn’t exist. She’s virtual and not the good kind. The kind where you volunteer tobe obliterated morphed into data a postmodern wraith. Allegra is virtual because she’s a convictedfelon though she can’t remember her crime or conviction. That happens to virtuals she knows. Beingsemi-non-corporeal can mess with your mind. People forget they’re people. They think they’re cats orhouseplants or the schematics for a fusion fuel cell. Allegra hasn’t gone that far yet. She knows who sheis. She just can’t prove it. Sometime during her court-ordered virtuality she’s dropped off the radar hername and ID number lost behind some digital filing cabinet. Now that the end of her sentence is in sightAllegra wants to get back on the books. Stick her big toe back into the river that’s real world and wiggleit around a little.The line shifts and Allegra steps forward. She doesn’t recall how long she’s been waiting in line. Timemoves for her in hallucinogenic bursts. A minute stretches on for eternity and eight hours can be gone inthe time it takes to smoke a single cigarette


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