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[英文] 《Court Of Public Opinion  》作者:- Michael Swanwick【EPUB】


管理员 - 管理勋章超级版主 - 超级版主版主勋章 - 版主勋章


发表于 2013-4-4 17:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I thought the Court of Public Opinion was just a figure of speech." "Yeah, everybody thinks that until they get the summons." "So... what are my chances?" "As your lawyer, I gotta tell ya they suck. You run a feature called the Story of the Month, people are gonna expect a story a month. Simple as that. It's what? - August now - and you've only had one story out this year. And the title was spelled backwards." "That's not a crime!" "It is if it displeases the public. And let's face it. They liked your stories, so not getting them really pissed people off." "But I was giving the stories away for free." "Even worse - if they'd been paying for 'em, you be saving them money. But since they weren't paying anything, your readers got every right to feel cheated." "Oy gevalt." "I'd lay off the Yiddische schtick too. You're not Jewish. Let's not alienate those who are." "Okay. Okay. So how bad are the charges?" "Not good. It says here you were also guilty


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