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[英文] 《Blind Willie 》作者:- Stephen King【EPUB】


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发表于 2013-4-1 18:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1983: Gobless us every one. BLIND WILLIE 6:15 A.M. He wakes to music always to music the shrill beep-beep-beep of the clock-radios alarm istoo much for his mind to cope with during those first blurry moments of the day. It sounds likea dump truck backing up. The radio is bad enough at this time of year though theeasylistening station he keeps the clock-radio tuned to is wall-to-wall Christmas carols andthis morning he wakes up to one of the two or three on his Most Hated List something full ofbreathy voices and phony wonder. The Hare Krishna Chorale or the Andy Williams Singers or somesuch. Do you hear what I hear the breathy voices sing as he sits up in bed blinking groggilyhair sticking out in every direction. Do you see what I see they sing as he swings his legsout grimaces his way across the cold floor to the radio and bangs the button that turns itoff. When he turns around Sharon has assumed her customary defensive posture - pillow foldedover her head nothing showing but the creamy curve of one shoulder a lacy nightgown strapand a fluff of blond hair. He goes into the bathroom closes the door slips off the pajama bottoms he sleeps in dropsthem into the hamper clicks on his electric razor. As he runs it over his face he thinks Why not run through the rest of the sensory catalogue while youre at it boys Do you smellwhat I smell do you taste what I taste do you feel what I feel I mean hey go for it. Humbug he says as he turns on the shower. All humbug. Twenty minutes later while hes dressing the dark gray suit from Paul Stuart this morningplus his favorite Sulka tie Sharon wakes up a little. Not enough for him to fully understandwhat shes telling him though. Come again he asks. I got eggnog but the rest was just ugga-wugga. I asked if youd pick up two quarts of eggnog on your


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